View Profile mr-dogshit

mr-dogshit's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,074 (From 221 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 14,830 Points

Day Dream Adventure

Medals Earned: 5/11 (50/250 points)

Destroy boss 1 5 Points

Destroy the first boss.

Tutorial 5 Points

Finish the tutorial.

Destroy boss 2 10 Points

Destroy th second boss.

Destroy boss 3 25 Points

Destroy the third boss

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Deleted 5 Points

Delete your saved data to re-begin your adventure.

Destroy boss 4 25 Points

Destroy the fourth boss.

Destroy boss 5 50 Points

Destroy the fith boss.

Destroy boss 6 100 Points

Destroy the sixth boss.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Death To The Humans!

Medals Earned: 4/8 (140/490 points)

Scouter Launched! 5 Points

Launch a scout ship

Let's Get Ready To Rumble! 10 Points

Launch a fighter ship

Bomb's Away! 25 Points

Launch a bomber ship

Mouse Breaker 100 Points

Click 10,000 times

Frig Off! 50 Points

Launch a frigate ship

All Guns Blazing 100 Points

Launch a cruiser ship

The Gang's All Here 100 Points

Have 15 ships of each class at launched at once

Wow! 8 Billion Is A Lot! 100 Points

Complete the game

Demon Decimator

Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/375 points)

Half Way 25 Points

Beat half of the game

Winner 50 Points

Beat the whole game.

Perfect 100 Points

Beat the game with no restarts

Precise 100 Points

Beat the game in under 500 moves

Speedy 100 Points

Beat the game in under 8 minutes

Diaphanous 0

Medals Earned: 2/6 (100/500 points)

iii 50 Points

reach level 3

iv 50 Points

reach level 4

... 100 Points

reach the end

v 100 Points

reach level 5

vi 100 Points

reach level 6

vii 100 Points

reach level 7


Medals Earned: 2/7 (10/235 points)

10 Second Survivor 5 Points

Survive the Disk Wheel for 10 seconds

A little off the top 5 Points

Die in Discwheel

30 Second Survivor 25 Points

Survive the Disc Wheel for 30 seconds

Disc Champion 100 Points

Survive the Disc Wheel for OVER A MINUTE

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/14 (5/405 points)

Baby's First Word 5 Points

Spell 1 word in a single game

First-grade Vocabulary 10 Points

Spell 5 words in a single game

Spelling Bee Amateur 25 Points

Spell 10 words in a single game

Passed English Class 50 Points

Spell 15 words in a single game

Word Miner 100 Points

Spell 20 words in a single game

Dictionary 100 Points

Spell 25 words in a single game

Daily Winner 5 Points

Complete a daily game

Daily Master 10 Points

Complete 5 daily games

Daily Champion 10 Points

Complete 10 daily games

Daily God 25 Points

Complete 20 daily games

Scratching the Surface 5 Points

Reach a depth of 1,000 ft.

Spelunker 10 Points

Reach a depth of 2,000 ft.

Deep Diver 25 Points

Reach a depth of 3,000 ft.

Hollow Earth 25 Points

Reach a depth of 4,000 ft.


Medals Earned: 8/53 (40/435 points)

Thousandnaire 5 Points

Reach $1K

A whole kilometer 5 Points

Reach 1Km depth

Tinkerer 5 Points

Craft 50 items

Item user 5 Points

Use 10 items

Heated stone 5 Points

Forge 50 ores

Appraiser 5 Points

Make $1000 from auction

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Reduce 5 Points

Recycle 50 items

Halfwaynaire 10 Points

Reach $30K

Millionaire 25 Points

Reach $1M

IceCube Neutrino 5 Points

Reach 2.5Km depth

Mponeng Gold Mine 5 Points

Reach 4Km depth

Inverse Everest 10 Points

Reach 8Km depth

Mariana trench 10 Points

Reach 11Km depth

Kola Superdeep 10 Points

Reach 12Km depth

Drillionaire 25 Points

Reach 50Km depth

MacCrafter 5 Points

Craft 500 items

Steve 10 Points

Craft 5000 items

Item yeeter 5 Points

Use 25 items

Random... thing, go! 10 Points

Use 100 items

Blast furnace 5 Points

Forge 500 ores

Forge in fire 10 Points

Forge 5000 ores

Mixed material 5 Points

Forge 500 alloys

Shiny 5 Points

Cut 3 gems

Jeweler 5 Points

Cut 10 gems

Bling bling 10 Points

Cut 50 gems

STEM 5 Points

Complete 20 researches

Scientist 10 Points

Complete 40 researches

Nobel prize 25 Points

Complete 78 researches

Freelancer 5 Points

Complete 10 contracts

Contractor 5 Points

Complete 20 contracts

Mining firm 10 Points

Complete 50 contracts

Auction master 10 Points

Make $50000 from auction

Rare catch 5 Points

Complete 1 museum sets

Collector 10 Points

Complete 4 museum sets

Archaeologist 25 Points

Complete 7 museum sets

Reuse 5 Points

Recycle 250 items

Recycle 10 Points

Recycle 1000 items

Florist 5 Points

Harvest 10 flowers

Gardener 5 Points

Harvest 10 plants.

Greenfinger 10 Points

Harvest 100 plants

Water bender 10 Points

Water plant 1000 times

Fresh start 5 Points

Reincarnate once

Driller 5 Points

Collect 10 Drillioncoin

Drillion master 10 Points

Collect 100 Drillioncoin

Boosted 5 Points

Boost drill part 10 times

Hyperboost 10 Points

Boost drill part 50 times

Jet speed 5 Points

Reach drill speed of 25 dps

Mach 10 10 Points

Reach drill speed of 50 dps

Light speed 10 Points

Reach drill speed of 100 dps

Traveller 5 Points

Travel to new place

Borgar 5 Points

Buy a burger stand

Duck Waddle

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)

Beginnings 5 Points

Complete one level

Half Way 10 Points

Complete ten levels

Solved Them All 25 Points

Complete all levels

Completionist 50 Points

Get par on all levels

Effective Attack

Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/230 points)

Fresh Meat 5 Points

Checking out the game.

Second Lieutenant 5 Points

Reaching area 5

Captain 10 Points

Reaching area 15

First Lieutenant 10 Points

Reaching level 10

Colonel 25 Points

Playing the game for 10 minutes.

Major 25 Points

Reaching area 20

General 50 Points

Playing the game for 20 minutes

Major General 100 Points

Playing the game for 30 minutes.


Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/270 points)

alphapede_massacre 5 Points

slaughter 3 blue-energy alphapedes on a single level in under 5 seconds each

betapede_massacre 5 Points

slaughter 6 green-energy betapedes on a single level in under 5 seconds each

triple_gun_storm 5 Points

upgrade to 3 guns shooting at maximum rate-of-fire

beatle_firestorm 10 Points

kill a total of 10 fire-beatles in a game

furious_fungicide 10 Points

destroy 200 bio-titanium fungizoids on a single level

six_gun_storm 10 Points

upgrade to 6 guns shooting at maximum rate-of-fire

deltapede_massacre 25 Points

slaughter 10 yellow-energy deltapedes on a single level in under 5 seconds each

fly_fry 25 Points

kill a total of 15 flies in a game

gammapede_massacre 25 Points

slaughter 9 red-energy gammapedes on a single level in under 5 seconds each

beatle_swarm 50 Points

kill a total of 20 swarm-beatles in a game

mega_gun_storm 50 Points

upgrade to 12 guns shooting at maximum rate-of-fire

serious_slugathon 50 Points

kill a total of 150 slugs in a game